Felix Project - Tackling Poverty

“Nearly 1 in 10 families can’t feed their children without food banks”.

The Felix Project are tackling Food Waste & Food Poverty by rescuing surplus food & distributing it to charities schools and holiday clubs who are addressing food scarcity & using free food to educate members about nutrition and well being.

From a standing start in March 2016, we now collect from 200+ food suppliers and serve 200+ front-line charities. 2.7M meals worth of free food that would otherwise go to waste currently is distributed each year to the most vulnerable in society.

We rely on the generosity of our suppliers who give us fantastic nutritious food, the generosity of our 200+ volunteers who give us their valuable time and skills and the generosity of our donors (our low cost model allows us to convert every £1 donated into £4 of food) Find out more about what we do and support us here - http://thefelixproject.org/ https://www.justgiving.com/felix-project